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Functional Training Anatomy - The Basics

Functional Training Anatomy - The Basics

Regular price $69.95 USD
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The term “functional training” has been associated with a fair amount of controversy ever since it became part of the fitness training vernacular more than a decade ago. The aim of the Functional Training Anatomy-series courses is to cut through the clutter and misconceptions about functional training and cover all aspects of how to build a purposeful, effective, and efficient program that provides the strength, stability, and mobility you need to support your body in life and in sports. This mini-CEC course will focus on basic principles of functional training, as well as introduce students to basic mobility and movement preparation exercises that they can perform with their clients, whether they are high-performance athletes or individuals just looking to improve their quality of life!

- 2 CECs

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students will be able to:
  • Define how joint mobility impacts functional training.
  • Differentiate between global planar movement and local planar forces as they relate to exercise programming.
  • Identify different exercises that promote both mobility and movement preparation.
  • Describe the primary and secondary muscles associated with mobility and movement preparation exercises.
Suggested text: Carr, K., & Feit, M. K. (2022). Functional Training Anatomy. Human Kinetics.
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