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8 Sales Skills Every Personal Trainer Must Master - Webinar Bundle Series

8 Sales Skills Every Personal Trainer Must Master - Webinar Bundle Series

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8 Sales Skills Every Personal Trainer Must Master

4 CEC's - Save 29.95 w/ Bundle Purchase

Students will learn valuable skills and effective tools in order to be a successful Personal Trainer. This webinar series includes the top 8 sales skills necessary to master in order to excel in the fitness industry and turn a job into a thriving career.  Topics include delivering effective client consultations, how to uncover the clients why, asking appropriate qualifying questions, how to choose the best method to price a client, overcoming objections with ease, using habit trackers and lastly, how to choose the best closing statement for each sales scenario.

Learning Outcomes / Webinar Line-Up

(Each webinar was Recorded LIVE) *Get 12-month access. You can purchase individually for 29.99 each.

  1. Webinar 1 Topics: Effective Client Consultations & The Why Is Why They Buy
    The webinar starts the series from the beginning of the sales process where you will learn to facilitate an effective client consultation by building more rapport, ensuring proper aesthetics and more – a consultation that leads you down the path closer to a sale, but you must also find your client’s “why” during the consultation, one of the most important aspects of selling fitness.
  2. Webinar 2 Topics: N.P.T.S.M. & Qualifying Questions
    This webinar continues to build on the concept of finding the “why” by demonstrating the top 5 objections you absolutely must overcome prior to pricing (N.P.T.S.M., needs, procrastination, time, spouse, money). You will learn the importance of qualifying your client and at the same time overcoming those 5 objections as you go.  “The why is why they buy” will be the most important topic of your career to master.
  3. Webinar 3 Topics: Pricing a Client & Overcoming Objections
    Once you uncover your client’s “why”, it is now time to price. In webinar 3 of 4, we will review several methods to price individual packages for 1:1 sessions, group rates and EFT packages. However, your job is not done because sales would be the easiest job in the world if everyone said yes, right? Your client will object. What do you do? It is crucial to be ready for all objections and have the necessary “chops” (or comebacks) to overcome them all and move closer towards the sale, to a yes!
  4. Webinar 4 Topics: Using Habit Trackers & Closing Statements
    Did you know that most people spend about $7-10/day on unaccountable items that every day?  This is money they could be saving and using towards buying a package from you! In this final webinar, we cover the final part of the sales process.  Here you will learn to use a Habit Tracker which is a useful tool to uncover other objections that appear after you price your client.  We will also discuss several different methods to closing your sale and which method is for which sales scenario.

Presenter Bio

Suzanne Rich

Suzanne Rich is a fitness sales consultant and veteran health and fitness professional for 20 years.  Suzanne owned a fitness center for 10 years and holds a bachelor's degree from Rhode Island College.  Currently she is pursuing a master's degree with Rowan University in Wellness & Lifestyle Management.  Suzanne also holds various personal training certifications, group fitness certifications (including Les Mills programs) as well as other advanced credentials in the industry.


This is a must for new Personal Trainers.  The facilitator was engaging and highly skilled in the content and also eager to help. The information was clear and concise. The information was extremely helpful in overcoming my fear of sales and built my confidence as a Personal Trainer.

Sonia Whyte., W.I.T.S. Certified Personal Trainer, New Jersey

Thank you very much for providing an informative, interesting and helpful seminar. The techniques you shared are useful in my Personal Training work and in life because practically every job has some “sales” aspect to it, where you need to overcome someone’s objections.

Monya Taylor, W.I.T.S. Certified Personal Trainer, New Jersey

I was very pleased with the workshop.  The instructor was excellent.  She presented the material in a charismatic and engaging manner.  I have never taken a selling course and walked away from this workshop feeling like I understood the process between buying and selling and have even applied the ideas to other aspects of my life.  I highly recommend this course for anyone who values the importance of selling and is looking to gain confidence in their sales ability.

Francesca Merendino, W.I.T.S. Certified Personal Trainer, New Jersey

Video Testimonial

Online Course Access Statement
All of our online courses have 6-month full 24/7 access to complete your online program.  The experience is awesome, simple and very digestible for the novice fitness enthusiast.
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